Welcome to 3 Angels Care
Therapeutic Foster Care Agency
Our main goal at 3 Angels Care is to provide loving and safe homes for children that have been impacted by trauma and have behavioral, medical and emotional needs. The efforts we make are to heal broken family experiences so that children can return to a secure and caring home with their birth parents or family. When these attempts are not possible, we work together with our partners to find permanent loving families.
About Us
LOVE is patient, LOVE is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. LOVE does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. LOVE never fails.
1 Corinthians 13:4-8
3 Angels Care started when Fatai wanted to adopt but Ray didn't want to, so they both agreed to try out fostering. They fostered so many kids and enjoyed it so much that they realized their calling was to take in foster youth, showing them unconditional love and sharing their family with them.
While fostering, they felt a deeper calling to expand their impact by starting an agency to recruit families and educate them on caring for children from hard places. To do this, Fatai and Ray brought on Kina and Danny Valele. With their help, they began building the agency together and navigating different ideas to help preserve families and decrease disruptions.
Today, Ray and Fatai are very passionate about supporting foster families by providing the right resources and tools they need to care for the foster youth in their home. They believe that when foster families feel supported, they can overcome obstacles that can impact the overall experience of foster care.
There is no perfection when it comes to joining a child with your family. You don’t need to be perfect to provide a welcoming and safe home for a child. Sharing your love with them can help rewrite their story so they can have a chance to live life to their full potential.
Every family deserves to WIN. Every family deserves a LEGACY. We thrive to live a heavenly (LANGI) lifestyle, building a legacy reflecting God's love!
What We Do
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. - James 1:27
Our services include:
- Specialized Foster Care
- Assist with licensing foster families
- Case manager/supervisor support 24 hours a day
- Extensive training/continuing education for Foster Parents
- Parent Coaching
- Support Groups
- Family Outings
- Independent Living Training for youth 14-18
Our Team
The founders of 3 Angels Care focus on loving children from hard places unconditionally to help them dream and to rewrite their story.
Fatai M. Langi
Ray Langi
Financial Manager
Kina Valele
Operations Manager
Dr. Estelle Williams
Quality Mental Health Professional (QMHP)
Koula Finau
Placement Liaison/Quality Mental Health Associate (QMHA)
Amber Thomas
Case Manager
Nesi Finau
Family Preservation Coach
Kalisi Finau
Youth/Family Coordinator
Contact Us
It takes a village to raise a child!
1095 East Taylor Street, Reno NV 89510Phone: 775-507-4547; Fax: 775-507-4548
© 2020